Sunday, June 15, 2008

Paying the Price

Got up late today not feeling the best. I'm tired from the weekend and now paying the price for doing to much yesterday. I kind of knew that I was pushing to hard but sometimes you just have to override that little voice in your head.
Went for a walk with my dog Henick. What a fantastic day cool but sunny with a light southerly breeze just touching the tops of the hills. Being a week day there was no one about so I got lost in my thoughts for an hour. This is the ideal battery recharge for me I feel more focused and alive now.
It helps so you don't take yourself or life to seriously.

I've been trying to keep things around me as simple as possible lately. I've found my focus is stronger, I sleep better and notice and appreciate smaller portions of my life. We pay large amounts of money for entertainment and every morning and each night the sun rises and sets. This visual master peace is free and just takes a moment too appreciate. How fast and how superficial life has become when we fail to notice this happening and its right out there daily. The photo I posted today was taken by my girlfriend Sally when she was in Dubai earlier this year. Its so wonderful its priceless.

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