Saturday, December 17, 2011

Xmas 2008

In the new life I live each day excited to see what it will bring. In so many ways my world has changed. No longer do I worry about things that I cant fix. I see things I started to take for granted as the real pleasures of live, such as the trust of real friends , the value of time, the simple act of walking with the dogs , the vagaries of weather are there to enjoy or at least marvel at. I enjoy riding my bike so much more now. The company I keep is my choice now. I look forward to my job because it has become a part of my life not a drudgery to endure.

Earlier this week I spoke with some one who had raised a loan to buy Xmas presents. This has had a profound effect on me. I cant stop thinking why someone would do this. I know why this person in particular did this. They think that this will make their life fuller and they will become happy as a result. All be it until they have to pay the loan.

Here's a thought What did you Give/receive for Xmas 2008. I don't know.

Nothing material really matters if you run this exercise.....You are at home with your partner/family dog cat etc. and the house is on fire you can take one bag with you what do you put in it?

Now the big TV the I phone the wine collection the nice carpet means nothing, its all the trappings of what we think we need to be happy.

Last year I started letting go of meaning less crap material and otherwise. The more I do the better I feel.
Of course I'm still a sucker for the biggest brightest but now I'm beginning to see it for what it all is, mostly a ploy to take money from you on the pretext that you need it. It breaks it becomes obsolete the moment you have it and guess what i don't feel any better for it

Have you watched the movie the book of ELI, he says in it "people are fighting for things we once threw away". It is a statement about what is really important.

I'm not one little bit Christian if anything I lean toward Buddhism. In saying that here's my Xmas list for 2011 and beyond.

1. Listen , to what someone's really saying and take interest.

2. Do something kind for someone else just because you can.

3. Encourage complement someone and mean it.

You can add to it but guess what You won't have to raise a loan to do this and the interest you receive will make you happy longer..