First weekend of spring, what a cool feeling sun no rain just hoping its a start to a great summer. Rode with Sally this morning but when we got home I felt like pushing on I considered a longer ride but the wind had got up.
Loaded up the dogs and ventured into the known but with major trepidation, I decided to give the short wall a go. Its been two years since I have attempted to climb in earnest as the operation on my right foot has failed. I've worked on the foot by using barefoot shoes to make it travel through the correct plain and well it feels good so why not give it a test, everything in moderation ...... including moderation.
All I had to do was squeeze this into the tight fitting rock shoes. It worked foot fitted fine just like before.
Someone else has been working the wall, by the look of the chalk they are stuck where I am.
Wilson my harshest critic.
Two hours later I'm back home a cup of tea in one hand and a beer in the other.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Gravelrapa Two
Gravelrapa Two
What did I learn about myself my bike and the gear I used?
For a start lists boar me senseless so ill spare myself the agony.
I like riding by myself, I like the small world that builds
in the pool of light while riding into
the dark, I enjoy struggling into the wind and cold to an unknown destination.
I enjoy riding with like minded people. Back roads that take longer and have
little or no traffic are gems to enjoy; gravel roads are more fun than tar seal.
Long climbs pay off when you reach the summit with views and descents. Autumn is the most visual season of the year.
The best types of trip plans are adjustable and fluid, thus
fixation with time distance and outcome don’t interfere with the pure enjoyment
of bike riding. Everyone hurts just at different times and for different reasons.
The best of friends understand you, suffer with you and look after you just as
you them.
Steal is a magic material made for lengthy comfortable
riding. Stan’s ravens are a very very versatile
tyre. Brooks’s saddles are an amazing seat, follow instructions and a rock hard
saddle turns into the most comfortable item on the market.
Pine needles made for the warmest most comfortable sleep.
Bivy tents beat bivy bags hands down. Mount Bell sleeping bags and jackets are
small light and warm.
Ground coffee boiled with water make a great kick
starter Sunday mornings.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Out Riding
Went out at lunch time today riding in the rain. I had a two hour training ride scheduled so as it was raining I jumped on the Pug and took the dogs for a few laps of the point.
While riding along I got to thinking what bicycles had given me. My riding had finally allowed me to escape the mainstream of society that I don't beleave I have ever come to grips with. Since leaving my old job and concentrating on working less and riding my bike and enjoying the small things in my life, I've become a different person. I don't feel stress or pressure or have to suffer fools or keep relationships with people who offer my life nothing but negativity. Over time I have developed friendships with like minded people where once i felt no one thought or felt the way I do.
Is my biking the reason for this? I don't know but it sure gives me time to think and feel fantastic.
While riding along I got to thinking what bicycles had given me. My riding had finally allowed me to escape the mainstream of society that I don't beleave I have ever come to grips with. Since leaving my old job and concentrating on working less and riding my bike and enjoying the small things in my life, I've become a different person. I don't feel stress or pressure or have to suffer fools or keep relationships with people who offer my life nothing but negativity. Over time I have developed friendships with like minded people where once i felt no one thought or felt the way I do.
Is my biking the reason for this? I don't know but it sure gives me time to think and feel fantastic.
Monday, April 30, 2012
The Working Holiday
For the
past two years I have travelled to Australia to visit my son, where he lives
and works as a chief. Its a great time for me to spent a week catching up with
those things phone calls and emails leave out. Kind of like filling in the
spaces or joining the dots of a incomplete picture.
What i do
is i work for my son in his kitchen as the hours chiefs keep are very
unsociable so it started as the best way to maximise the time spent for one
week. I find the work hard and exciting and illuminating all in one.
The hard side is the fact we worked from mid
morning to the early hours of the next day. It is a life process you arrive at
the kitchen great your work mates talk about whats happened and the night
before. You then start the preparation for the meals this is the most
interesting time you get to talk laugh and see the passion of the cooking
staff, as they swap ideas and plans, be it changes to menus or stubble differences to a recipe they are working on all do to the beat of loud music a
amongst the hustle of a working kitchen.
The excitement builds as plans are completed successfully and dead lines are meet.
Time just seams to go so fast as the day turns into late afternoon when the
staff stop for a meal before service. Indecently this also is discussed new
ideas tried digested and evaluated by all staff . In my sons kitchen all staff
where involved in the decisions even me (my input was embarrassed simple(
Yea I liked it). Finally the excitement lifts again as service begins and has its
own set of peaks and troughs , until the last dinners leave when the work
starts again cleaning, placing orders for the next day and evaluating how the
night went.
The aspect
of illumination is one of my own. Joel (my son) the chief suggested I work with
him and i readily agreed. What I didn't expect was how i was to work. I thought
Ill wash dishes and was happy with that , what else could I possibly do my
cooking is limited to my own kitchen no training but passionate about the taste
i want. The chief had a completely different view and I his father was suited up
a thrown in the deep end to work beside him. I was shown some task once then
expected to complete to his exacting expectations. The pressure was huge, how
could he expect me to complete tasks people train for years and still fail.
Later that night actually much later, as chiefs once all tasks are complete what do they do
, they go out for dinner. We sat down to
eat at 2.30 am in china town. After a meal and a drink, in bed i lay there my
head spinning from the past 15 hours i got to thinking what makes people who
they are? I was still in shock as to
what Joel had had me do in a working kitchen. I was thinking did he trust me,
did he think I was better than what I really am? He had unwittingly turned the
table on me.
When Joel
was just a young boy he too worked with
me, for the same reason if he didn't work with me his time with me was limited.
I too expected him to carry out adult
tasks unaided. I enjoyed working
with him as he was fast on the uptake and could be trusted to complete any task
I set him. In retrospect I expected a lot from a young boy. Did this shape the man he is now and is it
true "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"?
Friday, April 13, 2012
Winter Work
I don't get upset about the end of summer, each season has its advantages so I try and make the most of each one. Each season has a set of routines i tend to follow and autumn is firewood time.
At the end of summer I finished packing away my winters supply of firewood.
Then within a week I started on next years supply, its a never ending cycle. One I enjoy I have yet to figure out what it is about firewood I finding so satisfying?
I think that it is hard-wired into our psyche, something that stems from a earlier time when it was a natural and important action. Way back in time If we didn't have fire and the fuel to keep it we died. I therefore come from a long line of successful wood gathers.
Today I removed a large limb from one of the two gum trees on our section. The gum trees are such a great tree they grow so fast I swap trees from year to year and they regenerate about one third of our needs.
My father always said if we could store the heat generated from cutting fire wood we wouldn't need the wood, so true. The weather was still and cool today but in no time I was very warm, just a great feeling when you stand back and survey you mornings efforts.
The whole effort was supervised by Henrich a veteran work watcher. He is one of the main beneficiaries of the firewood as he commands front and centre on the mat in front of the fire each night.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Old Habits
Got home from a ride this afternoon and was going thorough my post ride clean up. It occurred to me that we are creatures of habit and old habits tend to die hard.
What I'm getting to is years ago I worked for one of the greatest men I've had the pleasure to know. It was on a farm he worked by himself if and when he needed help he hired me. It was hard work long hours and removed from any home comforts, but I loved every day of it because he was so fair, appreciative, and kind. Unwittingly I learnt so much from him.
Today Sal ran the point track twice with the dogs and I rode the pug. As we started the rain arrived it got cold and wet but was a good outing.
When we got home, here's the habit first the dogs got dried and tended to then I washed my bike then I came in side and sorted my wet gear then had a shower. My old employer would always say at the end of a long tough day, first clean the horses and turn them out then feed the dogs then feed yourself. As I was washing the bike his habit came back to me and in a way here I was doing the same dog, horse, self.
great ride and to finish scones and jam with a hot cup of tea.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Just another Day here it goes
With the TT nationals out of the way all the pressure comes off. I'm tired but still want to ride my bike so mid morning I loaded up with water wallet camera and set off for who knows where. Perfect riding conditions little to no wind sunny but not too hot.
Why when there is no impending race or event do you ride so freely and feel so good. I didn't realise I put so much pressure on myself. Today I just relaxed and road. I was able to finally get back on Pugsley and just enjoy the simple pleasure of riding a bike.
I had to put the Pug away earlier this season as I kept finding reasons to ride it when I should have been putting in quality road ks.
Road all my favourite tracks one after the other no hurry just a great feeling and fantastic conditions.
I have have a few wonderful months to enjoy it so here goes.
Celebrated by constructing a monster pizza then eating it.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Storm Warning

With the expected southerly storm arriving early this morning I felt sorry for all the athletes who had trained so hard for both the iron man and the Karapoti races. The weather is shocking high winds and driving rain.
I was down for a hour and half road ride and just couldn't face doing it on the rollers( sorry Lisa).
The pressure to complete a session and two dogs who don't understand "it's raining out there", I readied Pugsley for a outing.
Both dogs have been running with Sal the past two months as she builds for the Rotorua marathon and can easely trot for 20 ks. In other words they are very very fit and eager for a run any time.
I cut through the golf course which was empty no surprises there, the Pug is the only bike allowed to traverse the golf course as the tyres don't mark the greens, it pays to get friendly with the green keeper when your back gate opens onto the golf course. No riding on the road for 18 kms today!!.
The wind and rain were so strong I couldn't make it up the only climb on the route in fact I was blown into the bank twice in the first half an hour of riding. I had to pedal the descents but once we rounded the most southern point I could free wheel for ages.
All the sea birds where sheltering in every bay we rounded and where very reluctant to fly as the dogs got closer. Rounding one corner I saw 20 black swans huddled on the beach facing away from us. Lissy my pointer couldn't believe her luck and sprinted toward the group. To her and my surprise they didn't move as she bore down on the group about five large male swans launched their attack. They charged toward the dog wings spread honking loudly. Lissy isn't the bravest dog out there and the five swan attack was too much for her. It was the funniest sight watching her change from fast forward to reverse and turning at the same time, her hind legs got tangled up and she slipped and fell sideways just as the swans got to her, she got bitten on the behind for her troubles and ran howling out of the bay.
The ride was uneventful just a slog in the rain cool though surprisingly we were the only ones out.
I cant believe it we have the fire going on the 3rd of March.
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Look at your own life. Has it become overly complex? Have you found yourself burdened by too many possessions or responsibilities? Take a deep breath and ask yourself: “What steps can I take to reduce the clutter so that I may live simply and joyously?
We wear 20% of the clothes we own, today I started giving away clothes I've not worn in the past year. It was quite a lot two rubbish bags in total. The bonus is more draw space and the knowledge someone needy got my stuff today.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I often talk to people who complement me on my lifestyle. Which in its self is ok,Im not living for them, so what others think is irelevant. Nice to know that others think Im doing ok.
What concerns me is when people tell me their wishes and plans for the future. Again plans and wishs are important for they become reality if we want them to.
Heres the concern its when the wishs and dreams are prefaced with if only, if I could afford it, next year, when , when when......
These dreams, wishes will never happen as the person putting forth the statement is presenting them with a get out clause./
My advice to someone who uses the get out clause is " the only thing stopping your dream coming true is you".
Lets face it if you want it you will go out and do it.
That's the only difference between me and them I wanted it.
Make no mistake its hard to make a wish or dream reality, so if you mean it go and make it happen.
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