I often talk to people who complement me on my lifestyle. Which in its self is ok,Im not living for them, so what others think is irelevant. Nice to know that others think Im doing ok.
What concerns me is when people tell me their wishes and plans for the future. Again plans and wishs are important for they become reality if we want them to.
Heres the concern its when the wishs and dreams are prefaced with if only, if I could afford it, next year, when , when when......
These dreams, wishes will never happen as the person putting forth the statement is presenting them with a get out clause./
My advice to someone who uses the get out clause is " the only thing stopping your dream coming true is you".
Lets face it if you want it you will go out and do it.
That's the only difference between me and them I wanted it.
Make no mistake its hard to make a wish or dream reality, so if you mean it go and make it happen.
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