Friday, April 13, 2012

Winter Work

I don't get upset about the end of summer, each season has its advantages so I try and make the most of each one. Each season has a set of routines i tend to follow and autumn is firewood time.

At the end of summer I finished packing away my winters supply of firewood.
Then within a week I started on next years supply, its a never ending cycle. One I enjoy I have yet to figure out what it is about firewood I finding so satisfying?
I think that it is hard-wired into our psyche, something that stems from a earlier time when it was a natural and important action. Way back in time If we didn't have fire and the fuel to keep it we died. I therefore come from a long line of successful wood gathers.
Today I removed a large limb from one of the two gum trees on our section. The gum trees are such a great tree they grow so fast I swap trees from year to year and they regenerate about one third of our needs.
My father always said if we could store the heat generated from cutting fire wood we wouldn't need the wood, so true. The weather was still and cool today but in no time I was very warm, just a great feeling when you stand back and survey you mornings efforts.
The whole effort was supervised by Henrich a veteran work watcher. He is one of the main beneficiaries of the firewood as he commands front and centre on the mat in front of the fire each night.

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