Wednesday, September 16, 2015


 The morning started with me lying in bed listening to the wind howl down the coast I rolled over it was only 3am I couldn’t get back to sleep the wind from the south sounded evil I knew it would be cold. Six am arrived; god the wind, please stop. At the café by eight, what a great idea for a start point slash meeting place. Two coffees and I’m still frozen the hail shower waned my resolve, nothing like fellow fools to make you push on.

Eight thirty and I’m away, head down into the wind each bay gives respite each point a sand and gravel blasting, the cook strait ferry rolls and crashes its way south into the biting gale . Ric holds his bike up and the wind blows it horizontal, fuck I’m cold.

Over the point onto the Wainui road the wind softens, others ride by laughing hellos friends and fellow adventures are they as cold as me? No turning back now past Orongorongo the wind is starting to push us now. I walked this coast as a kid with dad to go paua diving, memories flash by then head long pell-mell into the unknown I dive. Laughing we stop to admire the brash carefree trio starting into their first beer, its ten thirty, I’m getting old I was a little shocked, man by eleven I would have curled into a ball and died if that where me.

The coast bent to the north the trees bent too, the wind is savage here, and the sea a washing machine. I am alive this is so cool what a moment. Pushing through sand I hit ocean beach tick off another segment on to tar seal.

I’m at home now, on the TT bars head down I rock into my work, the train is leaving my fellow travellers tuck in we eat kilometres. The wind is behind making me look good but I’m still cold so fucking cold.

Cross creek looms I swing left back onto gravel. We stop at trail head eat and muster courage for the climb, I’m half way now. I pedal talking all the way, I can’t warm up the wind eats at my soul stripping me bare. The summit tunnel is 3 degrees I need to know that why did I look at my Garmin? I could feel it did I just want confirmation. Like a drunk double checking an empty bottle I look again, fool. Stopping I put on a jacket in hope forlorn empty hope, I’m so fucking cold.

The decent was cool so cool utilising both meanings of the word; I revelled in not pedalling and froze a little bit more.

On the Hutt trail our team of four; one by two halved becoming two. A pie at Lower Hutt warmed my edges, onto the Hutt Motorway hanging on for dear life, I was thinking, fuck I’m cold.

Then into the warmth I strode to the greetings of fellow adventures, I drink my pint and the pizza was hot I’m getting better now is it pride? Thrill of completion or am I finally thawing out. Whatever it was I’m feeling great its six o’clock at night and I’m happy.

Two hours later I’m pedalling down the road to meet my lift home, I stop by the bakery to wait, I shiver, fuck I’m cold. 

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