Got up real early Paced coffee pot gas, cheese and bread. Loaded the dogs and drove to Otaki forks. We got there just as the sun was breaking over the hills.
Not a sole on the river save me and the two pointers. Broke out the burner and brewed a coffee.
The air was cold but crisp at times like this that you understand the need to slow down and appreciate life's small gifts. Time is such a imposition on what we do it runs our life and places demands that seem to take over. The obsession with timetables schedules and making deadlines has such a detrimental effect on our lives.
For a short half a day time didn't mater. I walked fished, talked to the dogs, sat looked, smelled and tasted my surroundings. Time at this point was reduced to nothing simply gone totally worthless. I cant explain how good it felt. but I know theres a point to the saying.
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