In the new life I live each day excited to see what it will bring. In so many ways my world has changed. No longer do I worry about things that I cant fix. I see things I started to take for granted as the real pleasures of live, such as the trust of real friends , the value of time, the simple act of walking with the dogs , the vagaries of weather are there to enjoy or at least marvel at. I enjoy riding my bike so much more now. The company I keep is my choice now. I look forward to my job because it has become a part of my life not a drudgery to endure.
Earlier this week I spoke with some one who had raised a loan to buy Xmas presents. This has had a profound effect on me. I cant stop thinking why someone would do this. I know why this person in particular did this. They think that this will make their life fuller and they will become happy as a result. All be it until they have to pay the loan.
Here's a thought What did you Give/receive for Xmas 2008. I don't know.
Nothing material really matters if you run this exercise.....You are at home with your partner/family dog cat etc. and the house is on fire you can take one bag with you what do you put in it?
Now the big TV the I phone the wine collection the nice carpet means nothing, its all the trappings of what we think we need to be happy.
Last year I started letting go of meaning less crap material and otherwise. The more I do the better I feel.
Of course I'm still a sucker for the biggest brightest but now I'm beginning to see it for what it all is, mostly a ploy to take money from you on the pretext that you need it. It breaks it becomes obsolete the moment you have it and guess what i don't feel any better for it
Have you watched the movie the book of ELI, he says in it "people are fighting for things we once threw away". It is a statement about what is really important.
I'm not one little bit Christian if anything I lean toward Buddhism. In saying that here's my Xmas list for 2011 and beyond.
1. Listen , to what someone's really saying and take interest.
2. Do something kind for someone else just because you can.
3. Encourage complement someone and mean it.
You can add to it but guess what You won't have to raise a loan to do this and the interest you receive will make you happy longer..
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day light saving
It's that time again a man made measure that has such an effect on you is just amazing. The First Monday just gone i woke and did exactly the same things Ive done all winter . Walked the dogs then made breakfast. It felt so different. It was like something was about to happen I felt like a kid on their birthday morning expectant and excited. It hasn't gone yet . Suddenly the sun is hotter the days longer and more full.
Here it is 5.30 in the afternoon sun streaming into the room and what am I doing typing. Shit I'm off for a ride don't want to waste time now do i.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
How far can you ride this.
Ive just in the last week got my Surly Pugsley bike. It is something else.
Just learning to ride it has been a blast. You cant attack anything especially hills!!!. Dial up a gear sit down and grind away.
What surprised me is that it isn't that much slower than my single speed go figure.
Made my way up the knob and down my usual trails it just goes.
Now I'm thinking how far can I go on this baby. I pulled out of the Brevet later in the summer because of over commitment but now I'm looking for something to do on this fatty .
I did three laps of the loop on it with the dogs today and it was no problem at all. So the planning starts I want 7 to 8 days self supported summer adventure. So time to hit google earth watch this space.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
ZOOM ( or coping with a lack of talent)
Rode my brand new Surly Pugsley today. Ive been thinking of buying one since i read Jill Homers book "Ghost Trails". Then a few months ago a friend got one and after riding it for point one of a second I knew I had to have a fatty.
I built it up yesterday and had a small ride around the point twice. I learnt that a heavy bike is not for attacking climbs but for relaxing and winding your way into up and over things.
Today's ride was up Colonial Knob and down the reservoir single track then through the hospital walking track and back to the Bay.
It is like nothing Ive every ridden before the bike stops at nothing , i rode over mud tree roots sand, rocks and swamp grass. it just goes on.
My lack of mountain biking skills are hidden by the bikes ability to roll over all in its path.
I dont normally get to excited and name bikes but.... this thing is so cool it begs for one. So Zoom it is cause it sure dosnt zoom, but Fat Larrys band sang a song called Zoom . I grew up around the time it was popular and the double meaning makes me smile every time i say it.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Art of living with Dogs
" We yean for the company of dogs because they return us to an ancient way of life, vanishing now. It is the power of the natural world to reacquaint us with our quiter selves, the part now buried alive in the nosie and glare of modern life and the habit of nonstop connection with others" Martha Sherrill
This is an extract from the book Dog Man.
Since the age of eighteen I have had a dog in my life. Dogs draw me away from humans and into a world of trust and love that is pure and so simple. The trust has a way of redefining values you seek in others, but so often found in that bond I have with my dogs.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Slow down day Fuck the Clock

Got up real early Paced coffee pot gas, cheese and bread. Loaded the dogs and drove to Otaki forks. We got there just as the sun was breaking over the hills.
Not a sole on the river save me and the two pointers. Broke out the burner and brewed a coffee.
The air was cold but crisp at times like this that you understand the need to slow down and appreciate life's small gifts. Time is such a imposition on what we do it runs our life and places demands that seem to take over. The obsession with timetables schedules and making deadlines has such a detrimental effect on our lives.
For a short half a day time didn't mater. I walked fished, talked to the dogs, sat looked, smelled and tasted my surroundings. Time at this point was reduced to nothing simply gone totally worthless. I cant explain how good it felt. but I know theres a point to the saying.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
One whole Year!!!!!!!

Its been some time so what happened ? Some things never change. The weather has been the same for most of the seasons save for the winter Snow for the first time in many many years.
My new job is so cool. 2 to 3 days a week no stress who could ask for more.
Sally ran the Rotorua marathon.
The mushroom season was shorter and quite different this year heaps more flat and not to many buttons.
Ive raced my bike more and even won.
Ive found cyclocross and man is it fun. Fun that hurts but you cant stop wanting more.
On the wood front Ive invested in a large cross cut hand saw so the fire wood now takes longer but is way more quieter and a lot more satisfying. Also purchased a very classy axe hand made in NZ. It fits perfectly and is an enginering work of art. Every thing from the handle to the finish is faultless.
Oh and yes i didnt look backwards this year and am in a way better space.
So house is in order now looking for the next big adventure Ive got the smell of one but too soon to say keep you posted.
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